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Hurt: Inside the World of Today's Teenagers
Chap Clark
The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair That Changed America
Erik Larson
Law and Gospel: How to Read and Apply the Bible
C.F.W. Walther

The Church of Facebook: How the Hyperconnected Are Redefining Community

The Church of Facebook: How the Hyperconnected Are Redefining Community - Jesse Rice I enjoyed this book very much. It had a great deal to say about intentionality. I think that is a topic that is far too often overlooked in our day and age. This book talked about how to be intentional when it comes to your Facebook habits, but also when it comes to life in general. We need to be more intentional about our relationships. We need to invest more time in the face to face aspect of human interaction and not rely so heavily on our social interactions.

This book makes you sit back and look at your daily habits and see just how reliant you are on social media and things of that nature. I would challenge you to read this book and then take a look at your life and see where you fit into the "always on" mentality that seems to be the way of the world today. This book is definitely worth the read.